Parking Service

The increasing pace of the economy and the construction of central business buildings for offices, apartments, hospitals, hotels, warehouses and shopping centers, of course the building also provides parking facilities by allocating aminimum of 30% of the space to be used as a vehicle parking area, both for employees and clients/customers.The employee vehicle parking area and for clients / customers provided by this building certainly require proper management, both technical operational and technological. The goal is for vehicle users to park orderly, safely and comfortably. Related to the above, we PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD are able and ready to work together to manage their parking, Is one of the companies that specifically operates in the field of Parking Management, where the human resources we employ are professional personnel in the field of parking both in terms of technological systems and technical operational. Forms of cooperation in the management of parking services run by PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD, include :

1. Profit Sharing Agreement.

This form of cooperation is a profit sharing between the building owner / managerand PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD from net income, namely after the total parking income is reduced by costs, namely : Employee Salaries, Total Loss and Partial Loss Insurance, Parking Permits, Parking Taxes, Operational and Equipment Amortization.

2. Revenue Sharing Agreement (Gross Sharing)

This form of cooperation is PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD is responsible for financing parking activities and investing in the necessary equipment for profit sharing with the building owner/manager from all parking revenue. The amount of Gross Sharing profit sharing is determined according to the agreement of both parties.

3. Fixed Monthly Income Agreement (Land Lease)

This form of cooperation is PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD is responsible for financing parking operational activities and investing in equipment needed by the building owner/manager will receive a portion of parking income in a fixed amount according to the agreement.   

4. Fee Management (Semi Outsourcing)

This form of cooperation is that the Building Owner is responsible for financing parking operational activities and investing in the equipment needed by PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD will receive a Percentage portion of parking revenue according to the agreement.

5. Consulting Service Agreement PT. ABADI MITRA SEJAGAD serves software, hardware, planning and infrastructure development consultation activities as well as implementation and maintenance